Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Virtual Host: multiple domain names on a machine Part I

PIN code is an address identifier to your location , Similarly an IP address , is an address that identifies a machine , Most of the interaction of a user to any machine is based on IP address.

Domain name service lets you map a Domain Name with an IP address , which means one can use a simple to remember a domain name and not remember the IP address. A server is usually a costly resource so what a hosting company simply does is hosts multiple domains on one machine. This way they can simply give a slice of hard disk space of a machine to a single user. This way an expensive resource can be utilize to maximize profits.

Lets see how you can do it , with Apache Virtual host configuration. This is not a post on automatic virtual configurations.

There are two ways of doing this one is the hard way:
  1. Create a new file in folder 
    1. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
    2. Paste in following code 
    3. <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot /home/shyam/workone/
          ServerName workedhost
            <Directory "/home/shyam/workone/">
              allow from all
                Options +Indexes

                  1. at this point simply do
                    sudo a2ensite nameofthefile or
                    simply do a symlink of this file in site-enabled folder in /etc/apache2
                    works in ubuntu this way
                  2. Lets analyse this perticular code 
                The first line virtualhost directive  with * which signifies the address on which this domain name will be processed , In this case its any address associated with the servers ip address

                Now the next thing is :80 , his signifiies the port on which the hosting is going to be done 

                After this you have a directive called the DocumentRoot

                This directive shows where the server files are going to be stored
                Now lets look at the directory directive :

                With this we have attribute thats showing a path to DocumentRoot directory , This is done so we could apply some rules to this directory ,
                Current rules are

                apply from all , this allows all host names to access this files
                Options +Indexes Means it will look for default index file in the perticular directory

                Now you are ready to have a virtual host in ubuntu

                In case of any other OS , you could try putting this in Apache.conf(windows) or httpd.conf(fedora) file

                Of you could simply write this in a file and load it  with
                 Include "relative or absolute path to file"

                This in the first , or what i call manual case , Lets cover how to do it easy using a tool called webmin , Make sure you keep and Eye out for that post , You will see lots of things that can be done easily with out any hassle