Monday, January 21, 2013

Devnagari Language on your computer Challange part 2

Now why did I choose this as a challenge post?

While I was having a discussion with this person , along with my uncles and cousin. A subject came to light where in my uncle wanted to replace the domain name with devnagari too. At this point , i had known that gangal's fonts allowed you to change the names of the folders to what ever you want.

So , with that logic being a computer man i assumed , that naming of the folders is possible. So i went of to take this as a challenge. And I soon realised there may be more to what i think and may be too much for me.

But then being a very stubborn i decided to try it out. So first thing i did is to name a folder श्याम
and proceeded to put it in my web folder in case of ubuntu , its /var/www/

and then test it out with a call to 


And wallah it worked , now i thought it could work the same way in case of domain name boy was i wrong. 
So while it allows the naming to happen but it started to change my domain name into something else 

                               श्याम became

Which still bugs me , so if ever a reader comes across the solution to this problem , please make a point to reply to this post. In the meantime , I found a work around which probably readers of the blog must have figured out too.

I registed the xn--r2bbu7aze as the sub domain name to name of shyam joshi and it works really good.

So readers i ask humbly , if you are marathi or konkani make sure to try the font and my website which can be visited at http://श्याम and orश्याम

For some to view the content you may have to turn on the unicode support.

To be able to see it in the web page properly

And please comment comment comment

Devnagari Language on your computer Challange part 1

Sorry for all those who visit this blog , this posting of todays is around 3 to 4months later than usual.

I visited a person , today , whose has created some special fonts for marathi and konkani format. Which is kinda of really great , but whats even greater is that this particular set of fonts are aesthetic and cool. Now that i have talked about these fonts , lets see where we can get them and install them on our computer.

They are available for Windows and on Linux . Then again if the font is in ttf , it should be runnable on linux anyway( well thats my belief and untill i am proved otherwise , this line sticks here)

Anyway lets see how to get them and then install them.
Here is the link where Shubhanan Gangal the creator of the fonts gives it away for free.

Here is the link for windows :
This one is for linux :

Now how to install them is also very simple. If you are a windows user , and have not installed a software yet . Well for you mostly my directions would be extract using winrar available on

Then simply double click exe and next next untill finish 

Linux person simply has to copy them over to /usr/share/fonts/

Now why gangal's fonts , 
1. They are phonetic in nature as in you type the words which kinda relate to sounds of the alphabets 
     A proper example would be my name which is shyam ( Sha(broken) Ya M) श्याम 
   This can be achieved by phonatic approach shown in various tutorials which he offers.
2. Hence they are easy to learn 
3. He also offers something called tutorial which can not only help you learn but teach to your marathi children who will have forgotten this language.

Part one concludes here , The challange is there in part 2.